Friday, February 27, 2009

Reflection on Final Project

Working on this project with Carole and Gaby was an excellent opportunity for collaboration. As language teachers (of different languages and levels) we face certain challenges regarding technology. Philosophically it is important for each of us to maximize the use of the target language (both for teachers and students), so it is important to use digital tools that both facilitate that use AND don't require a huge amount of teaching about the tool(s) itself.

With this shared perspective we were able to both agree on the kind of language that fit our students' level of development and on the appropriate tools (voicethread). The collaboration allowed us to focus on the types of language we wanted our students to master, how to use digital tools most effectively and how to maximize student interaction in the target language (both with their in-class and digitally connected peers).

Speaking more generally, today's session gave the opportunity to both develop a useful project and to evaluate the tools at our disposal. As educators, these moments are invaluable because they help to deepen our understanding of tools and to reflect on our pedagogical practice. We discover new applications for the familiar (or learn about a new tool) and refine our own understanding of our role as educators.

Given the proliferation of new tools at my disposal I believe I have a responsibility to help my students find both their own potential and the potential of tools 2.0 and to evaluate how their adoption should affect my place in the classroom. Working with Carole and Gaby was an excellent opportunity to do all of that simultaneously.

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