Friday, August 31, 2012

Educational Jargon: AAARGH

Thanks to the Guardian's Secret Teacher.  His/her skewering of the language that has infected education is so perfect, I can only link to it in homage.  Please read this; it will even make you laugh.

One teaser quote:

"In a conversation last term with my head of faculty I expressed concern that despite the talk of being world-class, the AfL, the Kagan Structured seating plans, the VAK (Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic) audits and learner voice surveys I thought the teaching and learning didn't compare favourably with schools abroad or even down the road. He replied: "We've de-emphasised our focus away from such comparisons and we have a clear vision for success going forward. With strategically enhanced provision we can ensure all learners, through a partnership with facilitators and parents, are empowered and equipped with the right toolkit to be creative in the 21st century."

Well, that clears that up then."